Friday, June 15, 2007

Second Friday in June

There was a small but quality group at Tapestry Friday today. I forgot my camera so alas no pictures. There was a good discussion on bobbins, setts & a variety of medical conditions...but not much weaving...

A few memorable moments - -

Three folks picked up their As Masterful as Van Gogh but Uniquely Mine packages. This is the annual Southern California Handweavers' Guild Challenge. We have until October to create something that is inspired by a Van Gogh painting as well as the year of our birth. Everyone has a different Van Gogh painting but his colors are so recognizable it should be fun to see the end results. It doesn't have to be a simply must be at least half handwoven or handspun and not too big.

Another moment to make you smile - - H kept staring at her weaving with such an odd and puzzled look. She tried a bit of yarn here...a bit of yarn there...but nothing seemed to work...she was quite quiet...not a normal state for simply knew that something was troubling her. Then... she simply threw up her hands in defeat...she just couldn't figure out how the tapestry in front of her was to become a piece of birthday cake. It did not look like a piece of cake at all. [And in fact that was quite true. Turns out the tapestry in her hands was not of a piece of cake...the tapestry loom with the half finished birthday cake was on the bookcase near the door. Puzzle solved. ]

M handed out the Kathe Todd-Hooker's book, Tapestry 101 to those who ordered it. I have a copy for J and B. Perhaps they will be at the turnover meeting tomorrow. If not, I will keep their books captive. They owe M $24.33 which I am not responsible for collecting. Too bad I already have a copy which I have read and highlighted. There was a lot of good stuff in the book...stuff I have never seen written down in any other book. If you didn't get a should get one.

C is up in Oregon now. She has successfully accepted my invitation to be a co-author on this blog to keep us informed as to what's she up to and how her melons and other fruits are progressing. So, let us encourage her to write!

Friday, June 01, 2007

White Rabbit Day

[PS I apologize for the weird spacing...I can't seem to get the photos to line up right...]

It was a white rabbit day at our tapestry group...happy warps to all who attended. I brought my camera so progress pictures are in order.

First, I am sure you recognize the bathroom and the naked fiber artist, ah a fiber artist less her fiber, in this tapestry.

It was sewing day today...slits as well as those bookmarks on the back. Another day or two of sewing and it should be time for a cutting off ceremony. This is a piece that only has progress at our tapestry group meetings. Rumor has it, this piece was started right after the let's see...does that make it two years? Ah, but worth the wait!

The C brought a great mirror for her loom at a 99cent store in Japan town. It folds up and opens nicely to fit and sit behind the loom. It was made in China and sold in a Japanese store in Los figure!

I tried to get a good you can see both the mirror and the image in the mirror of the tapestry. I am sure you can recognize all those wonder fruits for dessert. We will have to wait until it is off the loom to see all the dots.

I took another photo of the back of a melon becoming complete. It's not often you see a melon completed. In fact, this is a first for me.

A's leaves continue to fall...

once complete this tapestry should be really neat with all the negative space. Hung by a window, it should look like beautiful leaves falling - like the outside coming in.

Here is my In Search of a Kiss. I have one shot at the beginning of the session with my bobbins from Fireside...

and one a couple hours later.

I was able to to finish the entire hem during this tapestry session. Then, after lunch, I twined the last two rows, loosened the warp and and am now letting it rest. To see a read a bit more about it and see a nice here!

M brought here new bobbins from Shannock to use. Note how they are rounded on both sides. Not like mine which are pointed at one end. Check out the hem of the weaving...yes, that is a color photo and not in grey scale...but do check out the lovely greys. Does this say Sweeet? Don't seee it yet...just wait.

And is this the cartoon that H is working on?

No only kidding....

Birthday cake anyone?