Sunday, July 02, 2006

Grand Ideas - - Small Format Tapestry Exhibit

I quite enjoyed the Small Format tapestry Exhibit - - Grand Ideas at Grand Rapids Convergence. It was held in the Kendall School of Design and was simply wonderful. There seemed to be 100-150 small tapestries all in one place. I won't post any pictures of other tapestry artists...just the weaving is a picture...sorry about the focus...

Here are some close ups...

And here is some of what the sign at the bottom of our part of the exhibit said...

"Within the Seaside Weavers' Guild of West Los Angeles is a group of tapestry weavers who twice a month, lug their tapestry looms, yarn and accessories to be together and weave. They range in ages from the 40's to the 8o's and in experience from beginning to advanced. Our challenge for the GRAND IDEAS exhibit was to convey our memories of vintage television. Our only restrictions were the size of 4 by 6 inches or 6 by 4 inches and the grayscale palette for the television screen. "


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